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Basic Principles in the Provision of Photographic Evidence
Basic principles applying to producing photographic evidence specifically in the area of personal injury photography
Photographic Evidence: Acceptable Manipulation?
Article published in the Law Gazette discussing the manipulation possible in photographic techniques to document scarring and personal injur
Every Picture Tells a Story
An interview between Jamie Clarke (Barrister at Harwicke) and Tim Zoltie (Director of Clinical Photography UK) on the use of photography in
Photographic Evidence: Conversational Distance & Perspective Distortion
What is 'conversational distance' in personal injury photography? and why does this term not have any meaning in medical photography
Practice Points on Instructing a Photography Expert
A photograph of an injury can be a powerful and effective tool in its ability to depict severity, and its subtle ability to evoke a...
Professional Development in Medico-legal Photography: Understanding the importance of a clinical pho
Article discussing the importance of the medical photographers role in the changing market of personal injury and scarring photography
A Saturated Personal Injury Photography Market...
Personal Injury photography is certainly an evolving area. This is not just down to the legal reforms, but because photography itself is...
Is every medical Expert a David Bailey in disguise?!
Medical experts are increasingly including (and quite often charging) for photographs as part of their medico-legal reports. This is not...
Weapons of Mass Distraction
All too often does an image of an injury detract from its primary purpose of providing an accurate depiction of severity to cause an...
Welcome to the blog of Tim Zoltie, expert clinical photographer and director of Clinical Photography UK. This is an awareness raising...
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